Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day

Okay, I have to admit, we don't do a whole lot about remembering our fallen heroes on Memorial Day. Ever since I was a little kid in Southington Ward in Connecticut, Memorial Day has always been synonomous with barbecuing and outdoor fun. Our whole ward would have rockin' parties at a park by a pond every year (yes, the name escapes me, as so much does!). We would run around in the woods, play softball, "not" swim in the pond - since there were no lifeguards - and eat and play. Some of my fondest memories as a kid were those Memorial Day picnics. I will always remember picking "lady slippers" which are endangered flowers in Connecticut, but which were too beautiful for a little girl to pass up.
Since moving out here to Utah and having the whole family move west, Memorial Day still means barbecuing and playing, just on a smaller scale. It wouldn't be a holiday without getting together with Jeff's and Mark's family, and Mom and Dad when we are lucky. Wish Tim would realize what he misses out on - we still hold out hope - and Leah would move closer.
We eat a lot of food, play games and the kids have a ball altogether - even Josh and Peter who sometimes probably feel that they are outgrowing this kind of thing. :-) Josh was heard to say after this year's festivities, "Now I know how a jungle gym feels." Even Grandpa gets in on the fun! He used to race the young men every year back in Connecticut. Now he entertains the children in other ways. . . .

I hope that this Memorial Day tradition continues forever through our children and their children as well . . .

1 comment:

  1. Ah, good times. Could you e-mail me copies of these pictures?
