I feel like I am back in Connecticut. It rains and rains and rains. The kids have to be inside, it's rather gloomy and chillier than it should be. However, there is always a silver lining; we haven't had to water the garden! We haven't had to worry about trying to drag a hose around to water the newly planted seeds without pulling out all the seeds with said hose. The peas are loving this weather and the corn has even already come up! The fruit trees are benefiting as well.
The corn is up!
The spinach is getting close to picking size, and those tiny light green leaves in the trough? Yeah, those are the lettuce that didn't stay put.
Today we got the pepper plants and all our little pepper seedlings and broccoli, cabbage and onion seedlings in. It is supposed to rain again on Monday and Tuesday and then be beautiful so we figured today would be a good day to get them adjusted.
The tomatoes are in too. We planted 14 plants and none of them are cherry or grape tomatoes this time! Those were crazy last year.
As I said, the peas are absolutely loving this cool, extremely wet spring. They are growing like weeds.
The fruit trees are beautifully blossomed and smell heavenly. The bees were buzzing all over the blossoms, but they wouldn't stay still for a picture. The strawberries are starting to blossom as well and the leaves are coming out on the grapevines.

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