Well, it was Christmas eve with the Jones' and the Beckes' and the Donaldson's. Since it is Jared's sisters' families who come, the Jones' are definitely outnumbered by non-Jones'. :-) Jared's family rarely gets together and quite a few years ago I started feeling guilty that we celebrated every holiday with my family and my kids don't know their other cousins very well. So I put together a Jones' Christmas Eve get-together. Yes, I was the one who put it together, not a Jones. Hmmm. Anyway, we have done it ever since. Since Johnnie passed away it became more important than ever for Daina, for the family to have some reason to get together at least once a year. We don't do a whole lot; mostly we just sit or stand around, eating and catching up. There are no skits or programs or singing. We did add a "mad-lib" reading of "The Night Before Christmas" last year and we always open our Christmas jammies together and our presents to each other's family. It is a fun evening and I'm glad that we have that time to get to know each other a little better. Even Morgan Donaldson and his cute new wife Kenzie are still coming.

Seana was a "hop-along" after having foot surgery in December so she and her mom spent a good amount of time chatting

The men pow-wowing in the kitchen by the food, of course.

The cute teenage girl cousins look like they are just sitting at attention, but really kept up quite the chatter for girls who never see each other.

Markee just adores her older cousin, Tiana, who is always the life of the party.
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