Friday, July 1, 2011

Markee and Tamsyn's recital

So the day has come and gone.  The day that Markee and Tamsyn and their friend Dana, among others, have been training for all year.  And they performed beautifully - well, funkily, if that's a word . .  They had a great time and I am just really glad that the hobo dinner spacesuit will now be retired!  I didn't video the recital this year because Peter and his friend Jake were hired to film and edit and make DVDs of the recital.  I hope they get them done soon!
The girls waiting for their time to go on . . .
Striking a pose after the performance.  The spacesuits make them all look heavier than they are, but I LOVE Markee's face in this picture . . .
Yeah, Markee forgot to bring a change of clothes so she was really happy to be at Maggie Moos in her hobo suit. :-)  Ice cream - a Randall/Jones tradition after every event.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Year of the Grape

My vision, from the year we moved here, was to have grapevines covering our fence the length of our property. About 3 years ago, we finally got our first grape plants in. Last year one of the 5 plants we have put in so far produced a few bunches of grapes and what a feeling of accomplishment that was! This year, due perhaps in part to the cold wet spring we have enjoyed, all but one of our grape plants have tiny baby grapes. I know this may not sound blog-worthy, but if you don't think so, you have never grown a garden or fruit trees. The thrill of seeing the first shoots pop out of the ground, the joy of seeing the fruit tree blossoms evolve into little nubs that will become apples, pears and peaches, the euphoria of biting into a fruit of your labor; it's like creating a work of art.

This weekend I was giddy when I saw bunches and bunches of grapes on all but one of our plants (one we had to replace this spring so I didn't have any illusions that it would produce this year). I can't get enough of looking at them. They are so cute!!!


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hobo dinners? Baked potatoes? No, funky cousins!

Markee and Tamsyn have their recital next week, but their teacher always gets to showcase some of her classes at Pony Express Days - our town's summer festival.  I would love to post a video of their dance, but it is far too long to upload to blogspot.  But here is a picture of Markee and Tamsyn in their aluminum foil, I mean, costumes.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lacrosse season

I realized that I haven't even mentioned lacrosse this spring.  For me, this is the most relaxed, laid-back season in many years.  I'm sure Jared can't say the same.  He is the coach for Erik's team so he has practice twice a week and games on Saturday.  I only have to make it to the games.  I remembered to take the camera last week and took a picture of Jared with his team and Erik on the field.  Yeah, he's the one with no shirt under his penny, of course.  He is a good player -way more aggresive than Peter ever was.  I'm hoping he keeps enjoying it and can be a star player in high school.  We just bought him a new stick today so he better stick with it; those aren't cheap. :-)

Silver lining

I feel like I am back in Connecticut.  It rains and rains and rains.  The kids have to be inside, it's rather gloomy and chillier than it should be.  However, there is always a silver lining; we haven't had to water the garden!  We haven't had to worry about trying to drag a hose around to water the newly planted seeds without pulling out all the seeds with said hose.  The peas are loving this weather and the corn has even already come up!  The fruit trees are benefiting as well.
The corn is up!
The spinach is getting close to picking size, and those tiny light green leaves in the trough?  Yeah, those are the lettuce that didn't stay put.
Today we got the pepper plants and all our little pepper seedlings and broccoli, cabbage and onion seedlings in.  It is supposed to rain again on Monday and Tuesday and then be beautiful so we figured today would be a good day to get them adjusted.
The tomatoes are in too.  We planted 14 plants and none of them are cherry or grape tomatoes this time!  Those were crazy last year.
As I said, the peas are absolutely loving this cool, extremely wet spring.  They are growing like weeds.
The fruit trees are beautifully blossomed and smell heavenly. The bees were buzzing all over the blossoms, but they wouldn't stay still for a picture.  The strawberries are starting to blossom as well and the leaves are coming out on the grapevines.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Garden 2011, here we go again . . .

Nice days have finally arrived and the garden is getting on its way.
Onions are in . . .
Spinach is up . . .
Peas are growing strong . . .
Fruit trees are in bloom . . .
Except for the new d'Anjou pear and Honeycrisp apple that we planted this year - expanding our orchard a little this year.
The grapes are all budded and we are hoping for more grapes to eat this year . . .

and we are working on the watering system today to get it all up and running.  Every year we make a few little tweaks to the garden and have to make adjustments to the watering system, but fortunately it doesn't cost very much to get the few pvc pieces.  Now,with a little bit of rain, a lot of sunshine, no more frost and NO bugs we should have a plentiful garden.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Just call me Martha . . . and mini Martha

I guess because I achieved great success with my Easter Jello, it gave me the confidence to try other culinary projects. Here is the latest - cake pops! Gooshy mashed up cake and icing rolled into a ball and covered with chocolate and vanilla candy coating. Yum! Main was a dear and helped out with them too.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I made that!

Let's just start off by saying I am NOT a creative person.  Oh, I can copy like a master sometimes, but I do not come up with great artistic ideas.  For example, I buy cupcake cookbooks as "coffee table" books to look at.   My friend Tricia and my sisters-in-law are the ones that would actually use them.
Well, I signed up to make cupcakes for Teacher Appreciation Week at my kids' elementary school and I decided I was going to give it a go.  To make a long story short, since I am short on time - I have to get said cupcakes to the school - I rocked them!!  And I went one further.  The "lemon meringue" cupcakes?  Totally my idea!  Woo hoo!  To quote the Winter Warlock in one of my favorite movies, "I'm not such a loser after all!" :-)
Marin just let me know that I failed to give her any credit.  She was my M&Mer, helping me put in the "berries" and "lemon filling".  Couldn't have done it without her.  Sorry, sweetie!
And here is the evolution: