Last year we took our Japanese student, Tomo, on a camping trip with us so she could see some of the sights of Utah. We chose Bryce Canyon because it is up so high (elevation around 8000 ft) that it is cooler during the summer. We had a great time and decided that we would do it every year. This year we invited the Cooks to come with us. What a fabulous idea that was! Camping with your best friends makes everything double the fun. We decided that we need to do this more often! Here are some highlights from our 3 day vacation.
Tricia and Jared in a battle of wits. Games are always a main activity at camp . . .

. . . and bubbles. The kids love bubbles, but we ended up giving several of our bottles to the family behind us because they had littler kids with not a lot to do. The little 2 year old girl fell and cut her forehead open, needing stitches. The bubbles were a good distraction for her siblings. Marin and Kate still had enough to play with too.

We had reservations at Ruby's Inn for Sunday night so we spent the afternoon playing in the pool and we all got nice hot showers. We went back Monday morning and the kids played in the pool again before we turned in our keys. Tricia, Craig, Jared and I, of course, played games in the lobby.

The hammock that Tricia and Craig borrowed from a friend was a favorite spot at camp for all the kids. Kate, Erik, Marin and Nicolas were almost constantly in it. We will have to get one of those . . .

I have a weakness for gnarly old trees and here are a few highlights, all from the Rim Trail between Inspiration and Bryce Points which Maddie, Markee, Erik, Kate, Marin, Nicolas and I hiked while everyone else drove. There were some great sights from that trail!

Sitting around the campfire roasting hotdogs, brats, potatoes, hobo dinners and, of course, marshmallows was an every day occurence. Why else do you go camping? Thanks Mom and Dad for all the great wood! We even had some left over to give to our neighbors behind us.

Tricia and the kids fed the chipmunks right out of their hands. Oatmeal cookies and "cardboard cheesies" seemed to be the favorites.

Jared doing his best Japanese student pose with The Marshmallow, otherwise known as Thor's Hammer on the Navajo Loop.

Hiking Navajo Loop in the rain was great! And we discovered that it is much easier doing it clockwise, coming up the Wall Street side. Can't wait to do it all again next year!
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