So I have wanted to take the kids to see it too. Finally, more than a year later, we made it. I invited Alison to come along with the girls - all trips are more fun with cousins - and Jared happened to have the day off also. So off we went on an absolutely gorgeous, sunny warm day. I did tell the kids to bring swimsuits, but didn't really expect them to want to go in the water. Good thing we were prepared, because, boy, was I surprised. It turned into a fantastic beach day!
This is how the kids spent most of the afternoon, playing in the water, going out as far as they could and building sand castles in the sand bar.
We had our picnic right before heading to the water - well, the kids had already been down to the water before we old people could even make it this far down the beach - and I don't know if you can tell by this picture, but the seagulls made a complete circle around us, a full ring of birds waiting for leftovers or donations to their lunch.
Climbing the rocks around the visitors' center was another highlight of the trip. That was our first stop and we had to bribe the kids off of the rocks with a picnic lunch on the beach. They could have climbed the rocks like mountain goats all day!
When I went to Antelope Island with Tricia and Yuna, the most exciting part of our trip was seeing all the bison. There were even 2 walking along the road with the car as we drove. They were everywhere, up close and personal. This time of year, with it being warmer, I guess they don't wander as far. Here is our buffalo experience this time - not that exciting for the kids. Looks like the herd was taking a siesta a little ways off the road on the side of the hill.
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