Thursday, February 12, 2009

Can I petition for 30 hours in a day?

So when does life slow down? I know we should appreciate the moment we are in and not wish for the future, but I feel like I am always going, going going, and am missing everything. I love running the bookfair at the kids' elementary school and want to do it as long as they let me, but then I need a whole week just to catch up with the rest of my life! Working every day this year has really made me make the most of the "free time" that I have. I realize how much time I must have wasted all these years. My house should have been spotless, laundry always done and folded and dinner should have always been on the table by 6pm when I didn't work 4 hours a day AND volunteer at the kids' schools. Now I run - many times literally - from one thing to the next. Log off the work computer and dash to the school, help in the classrooms and get home with the kids. Then become the chauffeur - oh how I wish Peter had some desire to get his license! - homework helper and chef for the evening. On the days I don't go to the school there is always a meeting - school community council, Primary presidency, etc - or I need to run errands. I do squeeze in "me time" here and there, but definitely not in long stretches. How on earth do full-time working mothers not lose their sanity?! I need just a few more hours added to each day, with extra energy to get through them. Then I will have time to run, read and do projects around the house that don't involve a sponge, rag, broom, cleanser or duster . . . Maybe even do a quilt again . . . Ah, fantasy . . .

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