Back in 1987, the day after I graduated from Cheshire High School, my family up and moved across the state to the little podunk down of Brooklyn Connecticut. With this move, my ties to my friends in high school, Southington Ward and New Haven Stake were severed. I had no idea what ever became of any of them except for the handful that went to BYU.
I was so excited to find some old friends on Facebook - what a marvelous creation - the last few years. I discovered that Kelley Corcoran was just a hop, skip and jump from me in Las Vegas and I was able to reconnect to Darcy Ainsley and Kelly Wright.
Wonder of wonder and miracle of miracles, this summer I had the opportunity to visit with both Kelley and Darcy. We had to head down to Las Vegas to pick up Tomo from her friend's house so she could stay with us for a few weeks and, while there, we headed to the hills to visit Kelley in her home. What fun it was to see her again and renew our friendship! She was so important to me in high school and it is nice to connect to someone who knew you "way back when". :) Kelley hasn't changed a bit and it was fun to hear all about her kids who are about the same ages as mine. Here is a very non-attractive picture that Marin took of us - thank a lot, Marin! -

Then, just a few weeks later, Darcy happened to be in Utah to drop her daughter off at BYU for the summer semester. She stayed an extra couple days after her husband and son left so that she could spend time with me. Yay! I was so happy to see her. She was one of my very best friends through teenage years even though she was Jeff's age, not mine. I went to visit her at BYU when I was in high school and even went down to Georgia and drove cross-country to Utah with her in her Duster. What a great time that was! I hadn't seen her since her (first) wedding and we had totally lost touch for many years. How exciting it was to get a message and "friend request" from her on facebook a few years ago.
Darcy and her daughters came over and spent an afternoon and then, after taking her older daughter back to her dorm, Darcy and Brooke came and stayed with us for a couple of day. We spent time reminiscing (she has a MUCH better memory than I!) and catching up. I sure love that woman! We spent an evening in the mountains roasting hot dogs and marshmallows too, before Darcy and Brooke had to head back to Georgia. Here's a picture from our little picnic up American Fork Canyon -
Unfortunately we never got a picture of Darcy and I together. Guess she will have to come back so we can do that! :) Her daughter is at BYU so she has a good reason to come out to visit more often.
I am so blessed to have these wonderful women as friends again and I am grateful for the opportunity to renew friendships of those that were so important to me during my "formative years".